New-to-do Nuts- I think I finally know where the phrase, "Easy as pie" comes from! For the first time in my life, I made a pie...and it was really, really easy!
Saturday we made a trip to my little hometown for a family cookout and fireworks. I decided I would try my hand at pie-making (and attempt to redeem myself from the reputation as "the only family member who can't cook"). I bought some delicious black raspberries from the 38th & Meridian Farmers' Market (open on Thursdays, 4-6:30pm), found a yummy recipe, and threw the ingredients together. Served with ice cream, it was a perfect summer treat.
Beauty Buffs- This weekend I also got to meet my husband's great aunt. He has shared many fond memories of her from his childhood. She gave him piano lessons, taught him how to make jewelry (her specialty), and loved to swim at his family's home. She is now 91 years old! But she doesn't look a day over 75. She is incredibly healthy and is talking about enrolling in some college courses simply because she loves to learn! (She already has a master's degree in Health Education.)
As we talked with her, she had many remarkable stories. This woman was born around the time of Prohibition and Women's Suffrage. Woodrow Wilson was the President. Think about how much has happened in the world since then! She has seen so much!
The most striking part of our conversation with her, however, was her permeating positive attitude. She said, "These days, everyone is talking about depression, but I think it's really difficult to be depressed when you are thankful." Practicing thankfulness really helps to put life into perspective. She added, "And watching what you eat. That makes a big difference too." The way we take care of our bodies has a profound impact on how we feel and our overall attitude.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Aunt Florence.
Local Lovers- Fellow Indianapolis dwellers, get ready for a big weekend!
It's time for the annual Middle Eastern Festival! Located at St. George Orthodox Christian Church (4020 N. Sherman Dr.), the festival runs Friday (4pm-11pm), Saturday (12pm-11pm), and Sunday (12pm-5pm).
I have gone for the past two years and it is honestly one of the best festivals I have been to! If you like delicious food, fantastic dancing, and a friendly, relaxed environment, check it out! Visit the official website or see photos, get free admission coupons, and find out more information on their facebook page. I hope to see you there!
"But wait, there's more!"
This Saturday is full of fun at the Earth House. The "Pay-What-You-Can Community Meal" goes from 2 to 4pm. This is a great opportunity to enjoy some tasty, nutritious food even if you're broke. Then stick around for the "Really Really Free Market" from 2:30 to 5pm, where you can bring that junk cluttering up your house and give it to people who might actually use it and you can score some great stuff that other people want to get rid of! Basically, it's like a big yard sale, but it's free--really, really free! Earth House is on the Southeast corner of New York and East. Click here for more information!
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